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Molly House

 Misfits, runaways, kicked out kids, depressed teenagers, adults on their last dollars, and one determined caregiver. All are residents of the struggling Molly House. This new work written by Chandler Hubbard explores the socially rejection felt within the LGBTQIA+ community.

Thank you to John Maclellan for taking these photos.


 Jake: Jonel Jones

Elle: Meg Carnahan

Deidre: Nora Ogunyele

Alice: Carlen Kernish

Ramona: Lucretia Anderson

Paul: Marquis Hazelwood

Dustin: Daniel Daigle

Astrid: Shinji Oh

Paz: Sara Heifetz

Creative Team

 Director: Chelsea Burke

Production Stage Manager: Breezy Potter

Lighting Designer: Austin Harber

Sound Designer: Lucian Restivo

Costume Designer: Luke Newsome

Preformed on the Robert B. Moss Stage at Richmond Triangle Players